![]() 09/25/2017 at 22:49 • Filed to: Politicoppo | ![]() | ![]() |
After Jump of course. Unsafe, safety image:
Taken without looking on my ride home.
I consider myself a patriotic person. I love my home - I love my country. But I can acknowledge that there are things that need to be changed. I understand that oppression still occurs here. I understand that there are racial issues that I don’t understand because of my white, small town upbringing.
Patriotism is not flag-waving and shouting USA! USA! USA!
Patriotism isn’t the jingoistic support of whatever war we are involved in “because the troops.”
Patriotism is absolutely not attacking celebrities for standing up for a cause.
Patriotism is loving your country enough to fight so everyone has an opportunity to make it.
My grandfather lied about his age to go fight against nazis. Now it seems a whole political party is aligning with their beliefs because “they’re very fine people.”
To claim that patriotism is about a flag - a symbol - while ignoring the very real problems that it’s the responsibility of all of us to fix, is idiocy.
Despite the struggles I’ve had, I know that there are advantages I have just because I’m a straight white male.
I can walk into a retail store without people tailing me suspicious that I’m going to steal something.
I can walk through an upper-middle class subdivision without someone calling the cops.
I don’t have to worry about a police officer panicking and shooting even if I comply with his or her orders.
I don’t have to worry about people attacking me for who I fall in love with.
I don’t have to worry about someone assaulting me because of my religion.
Is patriotism the idea that everyone has to submit to a specific ideology and anyone who disagrees hates America?
Or is it loving your country enough to make it a safe place to grow up and live as a citizen, no matter what color your skin, who you love, your religious beliefs, or national origin?
If you choose to denigrate people who are oppressed simply so you can maintain the status quo, you’re not a patriot. You’re just an asshole waving a flag.
![]() 09/25/2017 at 22:53 |
![]() 09/25/2017 at 22:56 |
I think of patriotism as loving your country while recognizing (not ignoring) its flaws, and working towards making it a better place for all. So I agree with you completely.
![]() 09/25/2017 at 22:56 |
![]() 09/25/2017 at 22:58 |
![]() 09/25/2017 at 23:01 |
![]() 09/25/2017 at 23:01 |
It’s really unbelievable that a 5 time draft dodger and tax cheat has the authority to tell us what is and isn’t ‘respectful to america’. I’m not going to listen to someone who spent their campaign taking a big fat shit on vets and POWs how we can best respect them now. Fuck that.
![]() 09/25/2017 at 23:05 |
The 2024 Election between Potentate Donald Trump and Senator Sean Penn will be the pinnacle of the American Experiment.
![]() 09/25/2017 at 23:05 |
He doesn’t have that authority. He just thinks he does.
![]() 09/25/2017 at 23:06 |
Anyone else notice that “ungrateful” is the new uppity?
![]() 09/25/2017 at 23:06 |
Let my man Dale Hansen talk about it.
“It’s a dog whistle to the racists among us to say otherwise.”
![]() 09/25/2017 at 23:15 |
Dog whistle, dude. Can’t call them ‘uppity negros*’ anymore because those damn crybaby leftist snowflakes responsible ruining the country with their empathy and understanding will rightfully call them out for being racist assholes, so now they’re ‘ungrateful athletes’.
*you know damn well the word they really want to use
![]() 09/25/2017 at 23:17 |
As an Australian, I have found it quite achievable to love your country but at the same time not love quite a number of your fellow citizens.
Fortunately, a country is far more than just the people who live there. Otherwise, the rest of the world might have given up on the USA (and a number of other countries) long ago.
![]() 09/25/2017 at 23:18 |
Part of the problem is that not enough people recognize their “white privilege” and when more people ask for that privilege the old white guys get fearful.
![]() 09/25/2017 at 23:20 |
1. Fuck Trump with a rusty jackhammer.
2. 2nd everything you just said.
![]() 09/26/2017 at 00:05 |
It’s really a shame that this is dominating the news cycle when we clearly have far more to worry about.
![]() 09/26/2017 at 01:30 |
This debacle is nothing more than racists getting butt hurt because a few ball players are calling out their shitty “idea” of America, which is a far cry from reality.
Nothing more.
Where were these people when the flags of southern traitors were flying in the face of the slaves’ descendants? Oh, right, they were the ones flying that disrespectful, shameful, separatist flag.
Where were these people when Obama was the POTUS? Oh, right, they were busy calling him racial slurs and “Worst President Ever” and “Not My President.” And other stupid 3rd grade shit like “Obummer” and “Obozo.” My sourest school teacher could make up names better than those.
What a f***ing joke.
![]() 09/26/2017 at 03:43 |
I don’t like even the idea of a Senator Sean Penn. Lol.
His views on The Falkland Islands would be quite toxic for Anglo-American harmony.
![]() 09/26/2017 at 08:29 |
Well said.
![]() 09/26/2017 at 08:57 |
*Senator Kid Rock
![]() 09/26/2017 at 09:27 |
Every week or so, I hear a different person, representing some group, large or small, saying the same damn thing: “I am deeply disappointed by the President’s comments...” and so on. This group is growing to include former supporters, as he continues to make ludicrous, offensive statements about more and more things. If I were a reporter I’d look it up myself and make a list of everyone who I could find on saying that on record.
How long do we have to endure this? From the bottom of my soul, I sincerely hope it will not be 3+ years from now, or worse.
![]() 09/26/2017 at 10:34 |
That’s this presidency’s whole thing, though. Distract from the real issues. Seems awfully convenient that we’re all talking about the NFL rather than Puerto Rico or another failed attempt at healthcare reform.
![]() 09/26/2017 at 10:53 |
I know. It’s a pattern. I hate it.